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Original Creation

Moon almighty

Voy Kay 11 Mar 2020

This is more of a fantasy painting then something real. How else to explain that giant moon without craters and those uncharted stars, several of them ready to explode. Fact is ... I prepared this already over a month ago and must say I'm not too thrilled about the finish. Bushes are allright, moon as well, the water, reflection, snow ... that's all okay but I'm somewhat unhappy with the trees and the background sky. Well, the family thinks it is just another great painting so in the end .... one listens to wife and kid, am I right?!
Canvasboard 10"x12" was prepared with black gesso and then Alazarin crimson and phtalo blue were added. Painting took some 90 minutes to do and the most difficult was the moon ( What a job to get some colour in there!!) and the way too small size of the canvas which killed a descent shape of the evergreens

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This painting is full of magic! It takes me to Little prince novel. I think because of the Moon.
Sky is full of the nebulae and Milky Way is there too. I like a lot that Moon does not have sharp edge and even makes me to think that we are looking at Jupiter from one of its satellites. Looking at your painting I travel in space and in my fantasy simultaneously.
Great job!

In case you want to hear my advice about making stars: I do not prefer using pure solvent to thin the paint, I would mix it with some oil. I also suggest to use fan brush for the thin paint and hit it on the pencil in my other hand over the pallet to remove the big blobs and drops and then would move to the canvas. I learnt that oil paint does not do exactly the same way like water based paint and solvent dilutes the underlying color if too much of the solvent.

Voy Kay Conqueror of Challenges

Great comments from you again, Sunnylady! Yes, it ressembles more Jupiter then the moon, very sharp insight there! I'm an amateur astronomer (with several degrees) since about 25 years and the universe fascinates me a lot. I intend to paint some sci-fi scenes in the near future and hope that will turn out well as well.
Concerning the stars, I forgot to mention in my introduction that I accidently used liquid white AND paint thinner when sprinkling the stars with a waver brush over a palet knife. SIlly and almost costly mistake from my part!

OMG you have astronomy degrees! That is fascinating! Do you take your telescope with you when you travel around the world? Especially when you get to dark sky without light pollution? I would love to see some of near future sci-fi scenes. Is it available on Instagram or somewhere else?

I know you wanted to have stars and I am so sorry to hear about this little accident with liquid white and thinner. We are learning and process can lead to interesting discoveries . Now you and me know how to make nebulae :)

Voy Kay Conqueror of Challenges

Yes, I hold a degree for our 'solar system' and one for 'deep space'. I've seen comets, the Andromedea nebulae, Orion's nebulae and all the planets already (except the very distant ones (Neptune, Uranus and Pluto)). I watched space station Mir, ISS and the space mirror in the sky. When in Florida, I witnessed the 'Endavour' space shuttle launch and landing! Poor bird is now retired in Los Angeles where yes, I visited its museum as well.
I never carried my telescope along my travels though, that was not even permitted with the high security work that I did. Imagine they would found this instrument in my luggage when performing inspections in Iran, China or Kuwait!
My future sci-fi ideas are something like this:
Maybe this inspires you too my friend, best of luck to you and till soon!

Voy, you are simply amazing!
I have not seen those planets yet too. But hope that it will happen one day.
Thanks for sharing the link. I always was amazed by people imaginations and how they paint those pictures. They are inspiring indeed.

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